
Going to

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  •  0     0     0

  • going to (negative)
    He isn't going to watch TV.
    He is going to watch TV.
    He isn't watch TV.
  • going to (negative)
    She isn't going to dive.
    He isn't going to dive.
    He is going to dive.
  • going to (question)
    Are she going to the beach?
    Are he going to the beach?
    Are they going to the beach?
  • going to (negative)
    He isn't going to go swimming.
    She is going to go swimming.
    He is going to go swimming.
  • going to (affirmative)
    She's go skating.
    She's going to go skating.
    She isn't going to go skating.
  • going to (question)
    Are she going to play computer games?
    Is she going to play computer games?
    Is he going to play computer games?
  • going to (question)
    The sun is going to shine
    The sun isn't going to shine
    Is the sun going to shine?
  • going to (question)
    Is she going to take a shower?
    Is he going to take a shower?
    She is going to take a shower.
  • going to (question)
    Is she going to play soccer?
    Are he going to play soccer?
    Is he going to play soccer?
  • going to (negative)
    Is the bird going to fly?
    The bird is going to fly.
    The bird isn't going to fly.
  • going to (affirmative)
    Is he going to buy a candy?
    He isn't going to buy candy.
    He's going to buy candy.
  • going to (negative)
    They are going to go fishing
    They isn't going to go fishing
    They aren't going to go fishing.
  • going to (affirmative)
    She is going to ride a bike.
    She going to ride a bike.
    She isn't going to ride a bike.
  • going to (affirmative)
    She's going to cook.
    He's going to cook.
    He isn't going to cook.
  • going to (affirmative)
    The rabbit isn't going to hop.
    The rabbit are going to hop.
    The rabbit is going to hop.
  • going to (affirmative)
    They aren't going to eat lunch.
    They is going to eat lunch.
    They are going to eat lunch.