
Speaking practice mis-

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  • What would you do if you inadvertently took something that belonged to someone else?
    Has this ever happened to you?
  • Have you ever felt disgruntled about conditions at your school?
    What would you change if you had the power to?
  • Have you ever misunderstood something someone said to you? What happened?
    Were there ever serious consequences to misunderstanding someone? In your life or somebody else's?
  • Do you know anyone that you would describe as unassuming?
    Are you unassuming? Generally? Ever?
  • Would you agree that there is a lot of misleading information about health care on the internet? Can you think of any specific examples?
    Do you think that's dangerous? What should be done about it?
  • Can you think of any famous people who are actually rather nondescript?
    What do you think about that? How would you act if you were famous?
  • Have you ever tried to appear nonchalant even though you were actually very curious or nervous about something?
    Does that happen often?
  • Are there any foods or drinks that you find insipid?
    Do you still eat/drink them? Why?
  • Have you ever had any misgivings that proved to be totally wrong//unwarranted?
    Has the situation changed your mind about the topic at hand?