
Thoughts and Feelings for Kids 3

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  • Sean wants to join his school dance team. When he tells his friends, they laugh and tell him that dancing is for girls. Sean feels upset. What should he do?
    Suggestions: 1. Tell them that good friends should support each other. 2. Explain that there are thousands of adult men who are professional dancers.
  • Elsa is reading aloud in class when she makes a mistake. Her teacher corrects her, and she feels upset. What should she do?
    Suggestions: 1. Take a deep breath and remind herself that her teacher just wants to help her. 2. Laugh it off and keep reading.
  • Jayden is playing Pokemon. It is raining outside, and the the power goes out. Jayden is upset because he didn't get to save his game. What should Jayden do?
    Suggestions: 1. Find a way to keep himself busy while he waits for the power to come back on. 2. Do a mindfulness activity to help himself relax.
  • Karlos is busy working on his math assignment when the bell rings. "Time for English class," says his teacher. Karlos feels upset because he REALLY wants to finish his math worksheet. What should he do?
    Suggestions: 1. Tell his teacher that he feels upset and would like to take a break. 2. Take a deep breath and tell himself that he can do the worksheet later.
  • Natasha gets a D on her English essay. Her teacher gives her some advice that will help her do better next time. Natasha worked hard on the essay and feels upset that her teacher didn't like it. How should she handle her feelings?
    Suggestions: 1. Politely tell her teacher that she feels upset. 2. Remind herself that it's her teacher's job to help her improve her writing.
  • When Tiana's teacher asks her class about their homework, Tiana realizes that she forgot to finish it. "I'm so stupid," she thinks to herself. Tiana feels tears in her eyes. What should she do?
    Suggestions: 1. Tell herself that it is okay to make mistakes. Everyone does! 2. Ask her teacher if she can submit the homework tomorrow.
  • Edwin is playing video games when his grandfather reminds him that he needs to do his homework. Edwin really wants to keep playing and feels upset that he has to stop. What should he do?
    Suggestions: 1. Take a deep breath and remind himself that he can play more later. 2. Do a short mindfulness activity to help himself focus on his work.
  • Sam's parents are getting a divorce, and he feels upset. While he is in class, he feels upset and has a hard time paying attention. What should Sam do?
    Suggestions: 1. Ask his teacher if he can talk to the school counselor. 2. Tell his teacher that he feels upset and ask for help.
  • Peter is working on a paper in class when his teacher tells him that he is out of time and needs to pass it in. What should he do?
    Suggestions: Politely explain that he didn't finish and ask for more time. 2. Take a deep breath, tell himself that his is okay, and hand in the paper.
  • Kayla needs to give a presentation in her social studies class, but she feels nervous because she got a bad grade on her last presentation. Her heart states to race, and her head is spinning. What should she do?
    Suggestions: 1. Tell her teacher that she feels nervous and ask for advice. 2. Practice with a friend or family member and ask for their feedback.
  • Melanie is listening to her teacher in class when the fire alarm goes off. The loud noise scares her, and she screams. Melanie feels upset. What should Melanie do?
    Suggestions: 1. Take a deep breath and tell herself that it's probably just a drill. 2. Watch her teacher carefully and do what he says.
  • Kevin has medicine from his doctor that helps him focus in school. One day, he forgets to take his medicine, and it is hard to concentrate on what his teacher tells him. What should he do?
    Suggestions: 1. Ask to talk to his teacher privately and explain the situation. 2. Ask his teacher if he can go to the nurse. Maybe she can help him.