
Biology chapter 2

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  • ............................ are extremely small single-celled organisms.
    Bacteria (Vi khuẩn)
  • Plants can make ................... to store cabrbohyrate
    Starch (tinh bột)
  • ".................." means "before nucleus". The main forms of prokaryotic organism are the bacteria.
    Prokaryotic (Sinh vật nhân sơ)
  • Some bacteria can swim by movements of structures called ...............
    Flagella (Roi)
  • all plants have cell walls made of this material
  • (.....) is transported around the plant and is sometimes stored in fruits and other plant organs.
  • "................" means "having a nucleus" - their cells contain a nucleus surrounded by a membrane
    Eukaryotic (sinh vật nhân chuẩn)
  • Many bacteria are ............... recycling dead organisms and waste products in the soil and elsewhere.
    Decomposers (sinh vật phân hủy)
  • Under the soil, the mushroom has many fine thread-like filaments called ................
    Hyphae (Sợi nấm)
  • Other bacteria are .................. which means that they cause disease.
    Pathogens (mầm bệnh)
  • When an organism feeds on dead organic material, and digestion takes place outside of the organism, this is called ....................
    Saprotrophic nutrition (Dinh dưỡng hoại sinh)
  • Organisms that are made of single cells are called .................(for example: yeast and fungi)
    Unicellular ( đơn bào)
  • Most animal is that they store carbohydrate in their cells as a compound called ..............
  • ..........................are sometimes called the "dustbin kingdom", because they are a mixed group of organisms that don't fit into the plants animals or fungi
    Protoctists (sinh vật nguyên sinh)
  • A..................... is a small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism
  • The genetic material can be either................., or a similar chemical called ..................
    DNA/ RNA
  • All animalts that have backbone are called.............
    Vertebrates (Động vật có xương sống)
  • All other animals lack backbone, and are called ................
    Invertebrates (Động vật không xương sống)
  • Moulds feed by absoring nutrients from .....................
    dead material (vật liệu chết)
  • All plants are .................., which means that their "bodies" are made up of many cells.
    Multicellular (đa bào)
  • ........................... include mushrooms and toadstools, as well as moulds.
    Fungi (Họ nấm)