
Classroom Languge for A0 A1

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  • you are playing and you can't remember whose turn is it, what do you say?
    Who's turn it is?
  • you don't know how a word is said in English, how can you ask for it?
    a. What is the English word for......? b. How can we say ........ in English?
  • you are playing, and your friend wins, and you want to tell them they were doing good.
    a. Lucky you b. Well done c. Good job!
  • you are playing a game and you want to be the first to answer, what do you say?
    can I go first please?
  • a: can you call her for me please? b: didn't understand
    a. can you please repeat? b. Sorry? c. sorry, I didn't get you
  • you do not know how a word is written, what can you say?
    can you spell this for me pleas? how do you spell it?
  • Someone asks you for the ink eraser, when you give it to them what to you say?
    a. Here you are b. Here you go
  • a: Can I have a blue Pen please? b: didn't hear
    a. Sorry? b. say again please. c. I said can I have a blue pen please?