
3rd Grade Vocab

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  • huddle
    to get close together in a group to talk quietly or to stay warm
  • accident
    a car crash OR something that wasn't planned that could cause someone to get hurt
  • to get together in a close group to talk about something quietly or to stay warm
  • speed
    to go too fast OR to how fast or slow something is moving
  • to run quickly
  • to tell someone an idea or special news (like you are having a baby or getting a new puppy)
  • attack
    to use violence or fighting to try to hurt someone
  • the player in football who decides to run or who to throw the ball to
  • demonstrate
    to show how to do something
  • to climb quickly and not carefully onto or into something
  • remains
    what is left over
  • paying attention to something other than what you are expected to pay attention to (i.e., looking at a dog walking by while your teacher is giving a lesson)
  • something like a storm or disease that spreads with great strength
  • similar to sewing, but uses two needles and yarn
  • something that could or will happen, but it hasn't happened yet
  • future
    something that will or could happen but hasn't happened yet
  • to keep safe
  • reform
    to change something to make it better
  • something unplanned that happens and could cause someone to get hurt
  • how fast or slow something is moving
  • to improve something or make it better
  • the grassy area around your house
  • yard
    the grassy area around your house
  • a big snowstorm with strong blowing winds that lasts for a long time
  • to use violence or fighting to try to hurt someone
  • what is left over after things have been taken away or a storm
  • to stack things on top of each other (i.e., leaves)
  • something you can click on that will take you to a certain website
  • dive
    to jump headfirst into water OR to jump towards the ground usually to try to catch something before it touches the ground
  • distract
    to get someone to pay attention to something other than what they should pay attention to
  • holler
    to yell
  • link
    something you click on that takes you to a certain website OR to hook together
  • knit
    like sewing (uses two needles and yarn)
  • blizzard
    a snow storm with strong winds
  • rage
  • to yell
  • a movement; you might do this with your hands to tell someone something (i.e., a flat hand straight out means to stop)
  • raged
    to come on quickly and very strong (like a disease or storm)
  • motion
    to move part of your body to tell someone something
  • a question game where you ask questions about a certain topic (i.e., Disney or sports)
  • protect
    to keep someone/something safe
  • to show how to do something
  • trivia
    a question game about a certain topic (i.e., Disney or sports)
  • sprint
    to run quickly
  • to jump down towards the ground (usually to try to catch something before it touches the ground)
  • another word for anger
  • share
    to let someone borrow something OR to take turns OR to tell someone something
  • the team that does not have the ball and is trying to stop the other team from scoring
  • pile
    to stack things in a group on top of each other OR to climb quickly and not carefully onto or into something
  • quarterback
    the player on a football team who decides to run or who to throw the ball to
  • defense
    the team that doesn't have the ball and is trying to stop the other team from scoring
  • to hook together