
October Sky

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  • What is the name of the Rocket Boys' first rocket?
    Auk I
  • Sonny and Jim's biggest rough and tumble fight started with what?
    Jim's bike was knocked over by Sonny's.
  • Who is Jim's football friend and rival of the Rocket Boys?
    Buck Trant
  • Black powder was formed from charcoal, sulfur and _________.
  • From whose point of view is October Sky told?
    Homer Hickam, Jr.'s
  • Why does Quentin want to build rockets?
    He needs to earn a scholarship for college.
  • What high school does Big Creek compete against in football and the science fair?
    Welch High School
  • What is the name of the Rocket Boys' rocket club?
    Big Creek Missile Agency
  • From what town was Quentin?
  • Who is the student science teacher and organizer of the science fair at Big Creek?
    Miss Riley
  • Quentin says failure adds to the Rocket Boys' _____________.
    Body of Knowledge
  • Who is the welder at the mine who helps Sonny with his rockets?
    Mr. Ike Bykovski
  • Who is the preacher of the church in Coalwood?
    Reverend Lanier
  • What scientist does Sonny admire?
    Dr. Wernher von Braun
  • Who is the 6th grader who had to quit school and work in the mine after his dad died?
    Pooky Suggs
  • Which of Sonny's friends had polio?
  • Name the Indian tribe Sonny invented for him and his friends.
  • Who is Big Creek's principal?
    Mr. Turner
  • Who were the Great Six?
    There were Sonny's elementary teachers and big supporters and influencers in Sonny's life.
  • What kind of money is offered to coal mine employees rather than U.S. dollars?
  • Why is Homer always coughing?
    He has lung cancer (Black Spot).
  • What is the main reason Emily Sue says everyone likes sonny?
    He likes himself.
  • What do the rocket boys name their rocket launching site at Big Branch?
    Cape Coalwood
  • What is the Rocket Boys' rocket named after? Be sure to explain it in terms of the meaning.
    a flightless bird
  • Who is the general superintendent of the mine over Homer Sr.?
    Mr. Van Dyke
  • What is the name of the place where the high school kids would hang out and dance?
    the Dugout
  • What does Homer Sr. do to Mr. Bykovski after helping Homer with his rocket?
    Homer moves Ike from the machine shop back into the mine.
  • What happened to the flight of the Auk IV?
    It crashed into the office at the coal mine.
  • Which of Sonny's friends is known as being the best looking?
    Roy Lee
  • Who founded Coalwood?
    Mr. Carter
  • Who is the local union leader?
    Mr. Dubonnet
  • For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Who wrote this law?
    Sir Isaac Newton
  • Who is the clerk at the Big Store?