
A few A little

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  • There are _______________ cherries on the cake.
    a little
    a few
  • chocolate / you eat in a week
    How much chocolate do you eat in a week?
  • I have ___________ dollars in my purse. I don't have enough to pay you.
    a little
    a few
    a lot of
  • Can you call the waiter? I have __________ coffee left in my cup.
    a few
    a little
    a lot of
  • I have only _______________ water. It's not enough for both of us.
    a little
    a few
    a lot of
  • teaspoons of sugar / you want
    How many teaspoons of sugar do you want?
  • There is ___________ sticks of butter in the fridge.
    a few
    a little
  • How ________________ bread do you need?
  • How ____________ cans of soda do you need?
  • I'm a little thirsty. I ___________________.
    don't need much watter
    need much water
  • Mom, I have only ____________ money left. You should send me immediately.
    a lot
    a few
    a little