
Grade 3 Book 1 Story 02

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  • What can we call it when you can see many stars in the sky at the night?
  • The plane _ _ _ _ _ _ up high in to the sky.
  • Something people take when they go on holiday and want to keep the memory. It's also something you can take using a camera.
  • The woman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ something using a megaphone.
  • Something you use to send a letter in through the post. In other words, something you use to post a message in. Some special kinds of these are intended to contain gift money for kids.
  • "With _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ changing every day, it is something difficult to keep up." NOUN 1. The use of science for practical purposes, especially in engineering and industry.
  • "It is difficult to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with people who do not listen." VERB - To pass along or exchange information, thoughts, or ideas.
  • what kind of sound do thin twigs in a hot fire make? [a twig is a very small kind of branch]
    They make a crackling kind of sound.
  • "Her drawing ability had greatly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ since the last time he saw her." VERB - Made or became better.
  • "_ _ _ _ _ _ of wildlife were painted across the museum's walls." PLURAL NOUN - Drawings, pictures, or other likenesses of persons or things