
Culture and Society from 1950 - 1975

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  • Did away with poll taxes and literacy tests
    Voting Rights Act 1965
    Civil Rights Act 1964
    March on
  • What is the culture of average people called?
    pop culture
    culture and society
    peer culture
  • What were poll taxes?
    taxes charged to African Americans for violating civil right
    Reading and writing test to be able to vote
    A fee that was charged to blacks in order to vote in 50s
    tax levied on blacks that stayed out past curfew
  • Senator that was accepting the democratic nomination and was assassinated in 1963
    Dwight Eisenhower
    Robert F. Kennedy
    John F. Kennedy
    Thurgood Marshall
  • Who was the African American woman who sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
    Coretta Scott King
    Rosa Parks
    Dorothea Lange
  • What was the name of the space craft that landed on the moon
    Russian Cosmonauts
    Sputnik 1
    Apollo 11
  • What were the Jim Crow Laws?
    Laws that African Americans fought for in the south
    Laws that MLK and others worked to enact
    Laws that protected African Americans' rights
    Laws that discriminated against blacks in the south
  • What was the space race
    several different nations wanting to be 1st to make a rocket
    experiments by NASA to find out which satellite was fastest
    contest btw US and Soviets to put a man in space
  • What was the name of the famous speech MLK gave at the March on Washington
    "i've Been to the Mountaintop"
    "Free at Last"
    "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory"
    "I Have a Dream"
  • Who was the attorney in the Brown v. Board of Education case?
    Thurgood Marshall
    Dwight Eisenhower
    Lyndon Johnson
    Robert F. Kennedy
  • Who was Rosa Parks?
    a speaker at the March on Washington
    a congresswoman in Mississippi
    woman who refused to give up her seat on the bus
    a bus driver
  • President that signed the Civil Right act and Voting rights act into law
    Thurgood Marshall
    Lyndon Johnson
    Robert Kennedy
    John F. Kennedy
  • What was the March on Washington
    a march through the state of Washington
    a march for equality
    a march for space exploration
    a march against high taxes
  • Who was the vice president that was sworn in as president when Kennedy was assassinated?
    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Robert F. Kennedy
    Dwight Eisenhower
    Lyndon Johnson
  • What was a direct result of the March on Washington?
    the Montgomery Bus Boycott
    the Civil Rights Act
    troops sent to protect the Little Rock Nine
  • Supreme court decision that outlawed segregation in public schools
    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Brown v. Board of Education
  • Who was the Civil Rights leader that believed in non-violence?
    Martin Luther King Jr
    Thurgood Marshall
    Dwight Eisenhower
    Robert Kennedy
  • Federal law that banned segregation in public places like restaurants, hotels, theaters.
    Equal Rights Act 1965
    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Voting Rights Act 1965
  • Who was Cesar Cavez
    farm worker that grew grapes in California during the 1950s
    Fought for better working conditions for migrant workers
  • destruction from a crowd of angry people
    pop culture
    march on washington
    sit in
  • Which of these states the MOST LIKELY reason for the 3 assassinations in the 60s?
    all 3 believed that the US should be an example to others
    all 3 made great promises to oppressed people
    all 3 were admired by the country
    all 3 men wanted to make great changes in society
  • the murder of a political figure
    race riot
    sit ins
    march on washington
  • What were the Jim Crow Laws?
    Laws that discriminated against migrant workers
    Laws that forced blacks to stay separated from whites
    Laws that allowed employers to pay blacks less money
    Laws that were struck down during Reconstruction