
Yesterday and Today

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  • 質問をもう一度言ってください。
    Would you please repeat the question?
  • Where was he yesterday?
    He was at the mall/
  • Was she at the library yesterday?
    Yes, she was.
  • Were you at the mall yesterday?
    No, I wasn't. I was at the amusment park. 
  • Where was she yesterday?
    She was at the amusement park.
  • Where was he yesterday?
    He was at the theater.
  • Where was he yesterday?
    He was at the hospital.
  • Was he at the hospital yesterday?
    Yes, he was.
  • 助けてくれませんか?
    Can you please help me?
  • Was he at the mall yesterday?
    No, he wasn't. He was at the movie theater. 
  • Where was she yesterday?
    She was at the library.
  • Where was she yesterday?
    She was at the circus.
  • Were you at the hospital yesterday?
    Yes, I was.