
That's Silly! Highlights Scenes for language enr ...

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  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!
  • Can you spot several silly things and explain WHY?
    Good eyes and great thinking!