
Simple Subtraction Stories

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  • There are 10 leaves. Then 9 leaves blow away. How many leaves are left?
    1 leaf
  • I have 7 coins altogether. I give 2 coins away. How many coins do I have left?
    5 coins
  • There are 10 bowling pins. Then 7 get knocked down. How many bowling pins are still standing?
    3 bowling pins
  • There are 10 flowers in the pot. Then 6 flowers are given to friends. How many flowers are left in the pot?
    4 flowers
  • There are 9 apples in the bowl. Then 2 are taken for snacks later. How many apples are left in the bowl?
    7 apples
  • There is 1 puppy left at the pet adoption. I decide to adopt and take home the puppy. How many puppies are left at the pet adoption?
    0 puppies or no puppies
  • I have 3 pencils. I give 2 pencils to friends. How many pencils do I have left?
    1 pencil
  • There are 9 blankets. Then 8 are given to friends. How many blankets are left?
    1 blanket
  • There are 4 cars. Then 1 drives away. How many cars are left?
    3 cars
  • There are 5 books altogether. Then 2 books are given to a friend. How many books are left?
    3 books
  • There are 5 birds in the tree. Then 1 flies away. How many birds are left in the tree?
    4 birds
  • There are 6 people in the house. Then 4 people left to go get ice cream. How many people are left in the house?
    2 people
  • There are 6 marbles. Then 6 marbles are taken away. How many marbles are left?
    0 marbles or no marbles
  • There are 14 ladybugs on a leaf. Then 4 ladybugs fly away. How many ladybugs are left?
    10 ladybugs
  • There are 8 bottles of water. Then 5 bottles of water are given away. How many bottles of water are left?
    3 bottles of water
  • There are 12 bagels in the bag. Then 5 bagels are eaten. How many bagels are left?
    7 bagels
  • There are 8 baseballs in a bucket. Then 6 baseballs were given out for kids to take home. How many baseballs are left in the bucket?
    2 baseballs
  • There are 7 cookies in the cookie jar. Then 6 are eaten. How many cookies are left in the cookie jar?
    1 cookie
  • There are 7 ducks in all. Then 5 ducks swim away. How many ducks are left?
    2 ducks
  • There are 6 bunnies on the grass. Then 3 leave and go back into the burrow. How many bunnies are still on the grass?
    3 bunnies