
Three World Religions Chapter 5

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  • What does Worshipped Mean?
    To be respected and Honored
  • What is praying?
    Talking to God
  • What is exodus?
    A lot of people leaving a place at one time
  • What is a plague?
    Things that harm a lot of people such as sickness
  • What are disciples?
    Disciples are students
  • What does flight mean in this book?
    To run from danger
  • What is a Holy Book?
    A book that is important to people in a religion
  • Where is the Middle East?
    Persia, Mesopotamia.
  • What is the Roman Empire?
    Land under control of the Government of Rome
  • What is Easter?
    A holiday to Celebrate Mahiro
    A holiday when people celebrate Jesus rising from the dead.
    Easter means to walk east.
  • What is a cross
    The cross tells the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.
  • What is a stable?
    A stable is a building for animals to sleep in.
  • What is the passover meal?
    Passover meal is the special feast held by Jewish people.
  • What is an Angel?
    A messenger of God
  • What is Religion?
    A system of beliefs that shows people how to live.
  • What is Judaism?
    A religion that Jewish people followed.
  • What are Christians?
    The people who follow Jesus teachings
  • What are slaves?
    People who are forced to work for others
  • What is Christianity?
    A belief in your teacher
    Yua's moms famous book.
    A religion based on the teachings of Jesus
    Talking to God