
ELA Foundations

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  • What type of sentence has 2 independent clauses joined by a comma and conjunction?
    Compound sentence
  • What text structure would you use to tell how things are alike and different?
  • A _____________________ central idea can be found in the topic sentence.
  • Recite the Five Finger Summarizing strategy for narratives.
    Somebody, Wanted, However, So, In the End
  • TRUE or FALSE. The resolution can include a cliffhanger.
  • Recite the formula for a proper paragraph?
    T, SD, E, SD, E, SD, E, C
  • What type of central idea can be found in the topic sentence?
    Stated Central Idea
  • TRUE or FALSE. You can have more than one elaboration for each supporting detail in a proper paragraph.
  • What type of conjunction is used to connect two independent clauses?
  • There are too many potholes in our city streets. Something needs to be done about it. What text structure would be used to write about this.
  • What is a cause and effect text structure?
    A text with events and their results
  • TRUE or FALSE. The topic sentence should always be the first sentence of a proper paragraph.
  • What term refers to the beginning of every narrative story?
  • TRUE OR FALSE. A dependent class can stand on its own.
  • TRUE OR FALSE You have to make an inference about the central idea when it is implied.
  • Of the five plot elements, which one is about 75%, or more, of any story?
    Rising actions
  • If you were to share a recipe with a friend, what text structure would you use to write it out?
  • What is the first word in the Five Finger Summary Strategy?
    Somebody or Someone
  • Which text structure uses time order?
  • In the Five Finger Summary, what term refers to the protagonist's goal?
  • TRUE or FALSE. The way to turn an independent clause into a dependent clause is to add a subordinating conjunction.
  • Explain the elements of a complex sentence in order. (looking for 3 things)
    dependent clause, comma, independent clause
  • If the second sentence of a paragraph is a topic sentence, then what is the first sentence?
    Elaboration or Transitional Elaboration
  • In the Five Finger Summary strategy, what word refers to what the protagonist does about the problem?
  • The setting and characters are generally introduced in what part of the story?
  • What is the turning point of a story called?
  • TRUE or FALSE. Writing a complete sentence means just having a capital at the beginning and a punctuation mark at the end.
  • In the Five Finger Summary strategy who does the "somebody" refer to?
    The protagonist
  • What type of conjunction is added to the beginning of a phrase to make it dependent?
  • If you had to write a manual, what text structure would you use?
  • What takes place during the falling actions of a story?
    Loose ends are tied up
  • Name the FANBOYS.
    For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
  • What type of sentence has 1 independent clause?
  • When there is no topic sentence, the central idea is considered what?
  • How many sentences are in a basic proper paragraph?
  • What type of sentence is this? As I searched for my car keys, I found my missing sunglasses, and I found $20 in my pocket.
    Compound Complex
  • What is a chronological text structure?
    A narrative where time passes
  • How many sentences are in a basic proper paragraph?
  • The first line of every paragraph should be...
  • Chicago teachers are planning to strike because of low pay and power working conditions. What structure would be used in this newpaper article?
    Cause and Effect
  • Which text structure creates an image?
    Spatial Descriptive
  • TRUE or FALSE. Writing a complete sentence means just having a capital at the beginning and a punctuation mark at the end.
  • I have been asked to write a report on the overall strengths and weaknesses of the 6th, 7th, & 8th grade ELA MAP tests. What text structure would I use?
    Compare and Contrast