
8th Grade ELA Research EXTRAVAGANZA

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  • Why is it important to cite your sources?
    Giving credit to other researchers/authors and showing YOUR reader that you've done your work.
  • True or False: All websites have bad information.
    FALSE: Websites can be great sources of information, but you have to EVALUATE them to make sure!
  • Define Research (do your best)
    The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
  • What do I do if I can't find any articles?
    Try searching new combinations of keywords, try a new database, put less into search bar and use Ctrl F
  • What are keywords?
    Words or short phrases that you type into the search bar.
  • What is a database?
    Locked tank of sources (articles, pictures, videos, primary sources). Can include online magazines, journals, and encyclopedias.
  • What are the names of the other databases we are using besides Opposing Viewpoints?
    SIRS Issues Researcher and World News Digest
  • Come up with some keywords for this question: How does restricting cell phone use in school affect student social interaction?
    There are MANY answers. Some could be: student communication, student screen time social, student socialization cell, teen screen time friends
  • Where can I find the databases and passwords?
    On the library website.
  • What is the main goal of research?
    To come to new conclusions
  • What are some strategies you should use when keyword searching?
    No full sentences or questions, break down big ideas, try synonyms or related words