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  • A situation is only ironic if what happens is___________ (a). the exact opposite of what you expected (b). hilariously funny (c). somewhat embarrassing (d). a struggle between two opposing forces
    the exact opposite of what is expected
  • Make this statement ironic. "Charlie Chaplin, an old actor, once entered a Charlie Chaplin Look-alike contest and ___." 
  • Make this statement ironic. “Your opinion is very _________ to me. Please stay on the line until you hear the beep for voicemail.” (a). unimportant (b.) important
  • Using the word "sad", create an example of verbal irony.
    ex. I'm SO sad we don't have a test tomorrow
  • Using the word "happy", create an example of verbal irony.
    ex. I couldn't be happier that our test is tomorrow.
  • Make the following statement ironic. "Nobody knows who invented teh _____ hydrant because the building where this information was kept ____ down."