
RW: Description

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  • How was the weather on the weekend?
    On Friday was partly sunny/cloudy. On Saturday was rainy and snowy. On Sunday was snowy and cold.
  • What was she wearing?
    She was wearing a black dress.
  • What was the weather reporter wearing?
    She was wearing a turquoise blouse, a black skirt and beige high heels shoes.
  • How was the weather?
    It was snowing...
  • How was the weather on Tuesday?
    It was snowy.
  • What was the meteorologist wearing?
    She was wearing red pants,a red blouse, black shoes and a belt.
  • What was the meteorologist wearing?
    She was wearing a blue skirt, a blue blouse and blue belt.
  • What was the meteorologist wearing?
    She was wearing a beige blouse and a blazer.
  • How was the weather on Saturday?
    It was partially cloudy / sunny.
  • How was the weather?
    It was very windy.
  • How was the weather?
    It was stormy.
  • What was the meteorologist wearing?
    He was wearing a white shirt, a dark blue suit, a tie and glasses.
  • How was the weather on Thursday?
    It was sunny and hot.