
Great inventions!

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  • Who created the cell phone?
    The cell phone was created by Martin Cooper
  • When was the first car made?
    It was made in 1885.
  • Where was it created?
    It was created in Ur (now Irak)
  • Where was the first clock created?
    It was created in Babylon.
  • Where was it created?
    The light bulb was created in the USA.
  • What is it called?
    It's fire.
  • What are they called?
    They are cell phones.
  • When was it created?
    The wheel was created in 3500 BC
  • What is it called?
    It's a clock.
  • Who created the wheel?
    The cavemen (erectus homo)
  • Who created the clock?
    It was created by Babylons.
  • What is it called?
    It's a light bulb.
  • When was it created?
    The light bulb was created in 1802
  • Where was the cell phone created?
    It was created in the USA
  • What is it called?
    It's a car.
  • Where was it made?
    It was made in Germany
  • When was the fist clock created?
    It was created in 5000 BC
  • Who created it?
    The inventor of the light bulb was Thomas Edison.
  • When was the cell phone created?
    It was created in 1973.
  • What is it called?
    It's a wheel.
  • Who made the first car?
    The first car was made by Karl Benz.