
Young Learner 15+ Vocabulary Revision

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  • A feeling or belief.
  • a sign of illness in the body
    a symptom
  • Put this sentence into active voice: Lots of animals are said to be dying out every year.
    Experts say lots of animals are dying out every year.
  • define in high spirits
    pleased or very happy
  • Put this sentence into PRS. Experts know some animals eat only certain plants.
    Some animals are said to eat only certain plants.
  • to experience physical or mental pain
    to suffer from
  • A set of processes in which water circulates between the earth’s oceans, atmosphere, and land.
    water cycle
  • Facts and examples to prove something.
  • Why do we use PRS?
    To report facts that are known.
  • a medicine that stops you from feeling pain
    a painkiller
  • are envious and jealous the same thing?
  • True or False: The main clause in PRS can be in any tense
  • a group of similar individuals that are able to reproduce.
  • What are the four layers of a rainforest?
    canopy, emergent layer, forest floor, understory
  • define stratus clouds
    Flat, hazy featureless clouds that are almost white to dark grey.
  • define homesick
    wishing you were at home
  • When rain falls on the land, some of the water is absorbed into the ground forming pockets of water called----------.
  • Put this sentence into PRS: Experts believe certain animals can make very intelligent decisions.
    Certain animals are believed to be able to make very intelligent decisions.
  • Put this sentence into active voice: Dolphins are said tobe among the most intelligent creatures.
    Scientists say dolphins are among the most intelligent creatures.
  • a doctor's judgement about what problem or illness a patient has
    a diagnosis
  • define absorb
    (of energy or a liquid or other substance) taken in or soaked up.
  • The process of evaporation from plants is called ---------. (In other words, it’s like plants sweating.)
  • define envious
    wishing you had what another person has
  • Write this sentence in passive reported structure: Experts think animals have very strong instincts.
    Animals are thought to have very strong instincts.
  • define jealous
    unhappy or angry because someone might take something or someone that you love away from you
  • Something proven to be true.
  • a special room in which people are operated on in a hospital
    an operating theater
  • define persuade
    To try to convince someone-try to change their OPINION.
  • (with reference to a dead body or other organic matter) make or become rotten; decay or cause to decay.
  • define uptight
    worried or nervous
  • define over the moon
    very happy
  • To cut someone's body open to repair or remove a damaged part
    to operate on someone
  • define quote
    To write exactly what someone said or wrote.
  • define uneasy
    slightly worried or uncomfortable about a situation
  • Put this sentence into active voice: Dogs are known to behave in very strange ways when they are ill.
    People know dogs behave in very strange ways when they are ill.
  • define nostalgic
    thinking a lot about the past and imagining that it was better than the present
  • define irritable
    becoming angry or annoyed very easily
  • What is the structure used in Passive Reported Structures
    It+PRS+that+main clause
  • define absent-minded
    tending to forget things because you were thinking about something else
  • True or False: The subject is needed when writing in PRS
  • a drug that makes you sleep during an operation
    an anaesthetic
  • define panicky
    worried or frightened
  • a doctor who has special training to carry out operations
    a surgeon
  • During part of the water cycle, the sun heats up liquid water and changes it to a gas by the process of ---------
  • a medical examination to test your state of health
    a checkup
  • Put this sentence into PRS: Experts believe that different animals have different ways of communicating with each other.
    Different animals are believe to have different ways of communicating with each other.
  • define debate
    a formal academic competition in which students argue both sides of a given topic
  • As water (in the form of gas) rises higher in the atmosphere, it starts to cool and become a liquid again. This process is called ---------
  • a level of material that is different from the material above or below it.
  • define inattentive
    not paying attention
  • Change this sentence into active voice: Animals are said to be able to do lots of things that we have no idea about.
    People say animals can do many things that we have no idea aobut.
  • define down
  • (air and weather conditions) containing extremely small drops of water in the air
  • an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth that is equal distance from the North and South Poles.
  • a group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.
  • When the water in the clouds gets too heavy, the water falls back to the earth as rain, snow, or hail.
  • to become well again
    to recover from
  • define over-anxious
    too worried about something