
Part 3 collection Mindset for IELTS 3

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  • What would happen if the government put limits on how many people were allowed to live in big cities?
    class review
  • Do you think that within 100 years we will be trying to build new cities on other planets?
    class review
  • Why do people decided to move from the city to the countryside?
    class review
  • Which is preferable, living on the top floor of a studio apartment block in a city, or in a beautiful house in the middle of the countryside?
    class review
  • Today, many young people move away from small towns to big cities. What effect does this have on these small towns?
    class review
  • How was family life different before transport links connected most towns and cities?
    class review
  • If private completely banned from overcrowded cities, what might happen?
    class review
  • How might overpopulation affect city life in the future?
    class review