
Global issues

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  • Dirty air that looks like a mixture of smoke and fog, caused by smoke from cars and factories in cities
  • A layer of gases in the sky that prevents harmful radiation from the sun from reaching the Earth is called ...
    ozone layer
  • The number of people in a particular country or area who cannot get a job
  • an annual event which asks people to switch off all the light for one hour
    Earth hour
  • What is this place?
  • What do greenhouse gases cause?
    global warming
  • An event which is aimed to draw attention to the many problems that are facing our environment
  • The situation or experience of being poor is called
  • The cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area
  • What do we call animals which are close to extinction?
    endangered species
  • The process of making air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use is called...
  • It is rain that contains harmful acid which can damage the environment.
    acid rain
  • What are these?
    fossil fuels
  • The state of having no home
  • What are the three R's that help us to protect the environment?
    Reuse, Recycle, Reduce
  • The air, water, and land in which people, animals, and plants live. What is it?