
The Mount Rushmore Presidents

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  • Can a president be anyone from the United States?
    Yes it can be a farmer, a businessman, and inventor, and more!
  • What was Mount Rushmore made from?
    A desert
    A mountain
    A meteor
    A skyscaper
  • What was George Washingtons first job?
    He was a surveyor.
  • What is a president?
    The leader of the United States.
  • Who are the four presidents faces' on Mount Rushmore?
    George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
  • Where does the president live?
    An apartment
    The White House
    A mansion
    A castle
  • How is the president chosen?
    He is elected by the people.
    He is chosen by the last president.
    He is the son or daughter of the president.
    He is born a prince.