
Traveling and Tourism - U1 C9

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  • Talk about a city or country in Europe for 2 minutes.
    Student's own answer
  • What places in Medellín would you recommend to visit?
    Student's own answer
  • Talk for one minute about the best ways to eat oreos!
    Student's own answer
  • What have you done a lot this week?
    Student's own answer
  • What's the best movie you've ever watched? Talk about it for 2 minutes
    Student's own answer
  • Do you like living in Medellín? Mention pros and cons
    Student's own answer
  • What cities would you like to visit? Why?
    Student's own answers.
  • What's the most beautiful place you've ever been?
    Student's own answer
  • If you could interview someone famous, who would that be? Why and what would you ask?
    Student's own answer
  • Have you ever talked to a foreigner? Tell about the experience
    Student's own answer
  • What cities have you visited in Colombia?
    Student's own answers
  • What's the difference between a traveler and a tourist?
    Student's own answer
  • If you could choose, would you rather live in a large city, a small town or the countryside? Why?
    Student's own answer
  • Talk for 2 minutes about the best restaurant you've ever been.
    Student's own answer