
Embeded questions

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  • When is this pandemic going to end? (Do you know?)
    Do you know when this pandemic is going to end?
  • Who's the new couple in the neighborhood? (Do you know?)
    Do you know who the new couple in the neghborhood is?
  • Do you usually read books? (I'd like to know)
    I'd like to know if you usually read books.
  • Where is the library? (Do you know?)
    Do you know where the library is?
  • Is Valentine's day on Sunday? (Can you tell me?)
    Can you tell me if Valentine's day is on Sunday?
  • Did you call me yesterday? (I wonder)
    I wonder if you called me yesterday
  • When did I start to feel sick? (I'm not sure)
    I'm not sure when I started to feel sick.
  • Where are we going to have the class today? (Do you know?)
    Do you know where we are going to have the class today?
  • Could I borrow some money from you? (I want to ask you)
    I want to ask you if I could borrow some money from you.
  • Do you have any news for me? (I wonder)
    I wonder if you have good news for me.
  • Why do I have such bad luck? (I'd like to know)
    I'd like to know why I have such bad luck.
  • What day is it today? (Could you tell me?)
    Could you tell me what day it is today?