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  • Which three days are not in a calendar?
    yesterday, today and tomorrow
  • What are the four letters that frighten the thief?
    O, I, C, U (Oh I see you)
  • Why do soccer players like Quang Hai never sweat?
    Coz they have huge fans
  • What clothing is always sad?
    Blue jeans
  • What is the major difference between a bird and a fly?
    A Bird can fly but a fly cannot bird!
  • What letter is a drink?
    T (tea)
  • Which month has 28 days?
    all months
  • What letter is a body part?
    I (eye)
  • Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?
    Stop imagining
  • What has three hands but only one face?
    a clock
  • Which bank has no money?
  • What does everyone need, want, and ask for but never take?
  • What do ghosts eat for dessert?
    I scream (ice scream)
  • What is in middle of Paris?
    it is ‘R'
  • What is the longest English word?