
Brazilian Biomes

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  • What language the word PAMPA comes from?
    "Quéchua" (an indigenous language). It means "plan land".
  • Which forest is the biggest rainforest in the world?
    The Amazon
  • What is the strategy used by Caatinga plants to not lose water?
    Caatinga plants have few leaves.
  • What animal is it?
    White-Tufted Marmoset
  • What animal is it?
    Capuchin monkey
  • What animal is it?
  • Where do more than half of insect species live in the Amazon?
    On the top of trees.
  • How many biomes are there in Brazil?
    There are six.
  • Which Brazilian states are part of Pantanal?
    Mato Grosso and Mato grosso do Sul
  • True or false? An Amazonian anaconda can reach up to 10 meters in length.
  • What animal is it?
  • Which biome corresponds to almost half of the national territory?
    The Amazon
  • What's the main climate of the Brazilian Pampa?
  • Which Brazilian biome is considered the richest savanna in the world in terms of biodiversity?
  • What is the second smallest biome in Brazil?
  • What is the smallest biome in Brazil?
  • What animal is it?
  • What animal is it?
    Pink river dolphin
  • How much of original Atlantic rainforest is left?
    Only 7%
  • Besides being in Brazil, Pantanal is also present in other countries. What are they?
    Bolivia and Paraguay.
  • Is the golden lion tamarin extinct?
    No, it isn't. But it's an endangered animal.
  • What animal is it?
    Blue Macaw
  • Where is Caatinga located in Brazil?
    Northeast of Brazil
  • What animal is it?
    Giant anteater or ant-bear
  • What animal is it?
    Golden Lion tamarin
  • What is the only biome exclusive from Brazil?
  • What animal is it?
    Caatinga parakeet
  • What animal is it?
  • What animal is it?
    Giant otter
  • What animal is it?
  • In which day is celebrated the day of Cerrado?
    On September 11th
  • What animal is it?
  • In which countries is the Atlantic rainforest located?
    Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.
  • What's the world's biggest snake?
  • What animal is it
  • Where is most of Brazilian Cerrado located?
    It occupies a large part of central Brazil.
  • What animal is it?
    Lear's Macaw
  • Which Brazilian biome is surrounded by others?
  • What animal is it?
  • Which the only Brazilian state that belong to Pampas?
    Rio Grande do Sul
  • Do wild cats have nocturnal habits
    Yes, they do. They hunt at night.
  • What animal is it?
    Puffer fish
  • What is the coldest biome in Brazil?