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  • I've seen first time seaside when I was 18.
    I saw the sea / I was at the seaside for the first time when I was 18.
  • When I was young I was having curly hair.
    When I was young I had / used to have curly hair.
  • I don't know how you are looknig. I've never seen you.
    I don't know how you look. I've never seen you.
  • When I was a young, I was a scout.
    When I was young, I was a scout.
  • I spent a lot of time on the village where my grandparents lived.
    I spent a lot of time in the village where my grandparents lived.
  • At the end of the lecture, I'd like all the students to d.................. into small discussion groups.
  • I was bad in handball.
    I was bad at handball.
  • Is your hair naturally curly or have you had a p............. ?
  • I weren't a good pupil at primary school.
    I wasn't a good pupil at primary school.
  • I'll go shopping when I've done my ............ (jobs around the house).