
Conditionals practice B2, C1

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  • Will the climate keep changing
    or go back to normal?
  • If you could change something in your past,
    what would it be? What would you have done differently?
  • If you won the lottery,
    what would you do?
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world right now,
    where would you go?
  • Imagine you didn’t need sleep.
    How would you spend your nights?
  • What would your second choice for a university or degree subject have been?
    How would your life be different now if you had done that instead?
  • If you were invisible for a day,
    what would you do?
  • If you were an animal,
    what animal would you be?
  • Suppose you could stay one age forever,
    what age would it be?
  • If you weren't Spanish, what country would you like to have been born in?
  • Imagine you could travel in time,
    where / when would you go and why?
  • If you had been able to choose your career when you were a child,
    what would you have chosen?
  • If you had been born 100 years earlier,
    how would your life have been different?
  • If you had been given a million euros or dollars for your 10th birthday
    how would you have spent it?
  • If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life,
    what would you choose?
  • If computers take over the world, 
    what will you do? 
  • If you had been born into a very rich family, how would your childhood have been different?
    What about present? How would it be different?
  • Will life be easier or more difficult for our grandchildren?
    What do you think?
  • If you saw a rat in your house,
    what would you do?
  • If it were possible to read minds,
    would you want to? Why / why not?