
Make a Sentence: People & Jobs

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  • mymomisacashier
    My mom is a cashier.
  • theauthorwroteelevenbooks
    The author wrote eleven books.
  • imasoldierinthearmy
    I'm a soldier in the army.
  • mybrotherisanarchitect
    My brother is an architect.
  • idontwanttobeafarmer
    I don't want to be a farmer.
  • shesatalentedhairdresser
    She's a talented hairdresser.
  • musicianspracticeeveryday
    Musicians practice every day.
  • shegoestoworkeveryday
    She goes to work every day.
  • hereallywantstobeafootballer
    He really wants to be a footballer.
  • youshouldbecomeapilot
    You should become a pilot.
  • heisahighschoolteacher
    He is a high school teacher.
  • myaunthelpssickanimals
    My aunt helps sick animals.
  • wheredovetswork
    Where do vets work?
  • itwaswrittenbyajournalist
    It was written by a journalist.
  • taylorswiftisagreatsinger
    Taylor Swift is a great singer.
  • heworksinasupermarket
    He works in a supermarket.
  • mydadisadoctor
    My dad is a doctor.
  • mycousinisataxidriver
    My cousin is a taxi driver.
  • shesthemostpopularauthor
    She's the most popular author.
  • ourwaiterisfunnyandpolite
    Our waiter is funny and polite.
  • iwanttobeanurse
    I want to be a nurse.
  • cookscookalldayinakitchen
    Cooks cook all day in a kitchen.
  • thedentistfixedmyteeth
    The dentist fixed my teeth.
  • iworkinabank
    I work in a bank.
  • vetshelpsickanimals
    Vets help sick animals.
  • buildersusuallyworkoutside
    Builders usually work outside.
  • thatchefmakesdeliciousfood
    That chef makes delicious food.
  • webothwanttobeengineers
    We both want to be engineers.
  • myuncleworksinahospital
    My uncle works in a hospital.
  • shehopestobeadancer
    She hopes to be a dancer.