
Immigrants Today

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  • Many Mexican Americans celebrate what festival?
    Cinco de Mayo.
  • In what City was the Spanish language newspaper being sold?
  • When did WW2 End?
  • On page 208 some immigrants are trying to escape a country, which country?
  • What is Poverty?
    Not having a lot of money
  • On page 212 there is a Chinese restaurant, where is this restaurant located?
    Chinatown NYC
  • In the USA's second wave of immigration, where did most immigrants come from?
    Southern or Eastern Europe, mostly Italy.
  • Fill in the blanks "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to ____ ____"
    breathe free.
  • What does Preserve mean?
    To keep something the same for a long time.
  • Many Muslims will only eat food that is considered what?
  • Who wrote Immigrants Today?
    Ann M Rossi.
  • Why did Immigration to the USA slow after WW1?
    Due to a bad economy and government restrictions on immigration.
  • In the 1970's how many people were coming into the USA every year?
  • What are some challenges that immigrants face when arriving in a new country?
    Answers will vary.
  • The USA has been described as the great what?
    Melting pot.
  • How do most immigrants listen to music from their home country.
    Through the radio or on the internet.
  • What is prejudice?
    Hating a group of people for being who they are.
  • There is a large statue in NYC, what is the name of this statue?
    The Statue of Liberty.
  • What is foreign?
    When something or someone belongs to a country that is not your own.
  • What is the name of the Indian film industry?
  • Why do people become immigrants?
    Answers will vary.
  • What group of people are well known for their beautiful textiles?
    Hmong people.
  • What is a community?
    A group of people who share a common interest, similar life or live in the same area.
  • In the USA's first wave of immigration, where did most immigrants come from?
    Germany and Ireland
  • There is a Hmong woman selling fruit and vegetables at a market. Where is this market?
    Minneapolis Minnesota.