
A Living Planet

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  • What's this? (Hint: It's big and very cold. It's made of ice)
    an ice cap
  • Can you translate this word into Spanish? DROUGHT (when the land is very dry)
    sequía - drought ("aw! I hurt my leg"
  • What's this?
    a desert
  • Can you translate this into Spanish? OIL SPILL (when oil gets into the ocean)
    derrame de petróleo
  • Can you translate this word into Spanish? FLOOD (when water covers everything)
    inundación - flood (like blood)
  • What's this? (Hint: It's full of trees)
    a forest
  • What's this?
    a river
  • What's this?
    an island
  • How do we pronounce this word?
    island vs Iceland
  • What's this? (Hint: It's a type of forest. You can find it in hot and humid palces)
    a jungle or a rainforest
  • When it's hot, ice ______ (verb).
    melts (to melt)
  • What's this? (Hint: Not a river, but you can see it to the left and the right of the river)
    valley (or river valley)
  • What's this?
    a lake
  • How do we pronounce this word?
    desert vs dessert
  • What's this? (Hint: Montserrat is a mountain, but the Pyrenees are a m_______ r_____)
    mountain range (The Andes are the longest mountain range on Earth)
  • We need to _______ (verb) to keep our Planet healthy.