
Game of Gideon

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  • How many soldiers did God choose to defeat the Midianites?
  • How many Israelites came at Gideon's call?
  • What people dominated the children of Israel?
  • How many Israelites stayed to fight after Gideon told those who were afraid to leave?
  • The Bible is like _______ that has two edges.
    a sword
  • Where is the story of Gideon found in the bible?
    Judges 6-8
  • What three things did the 300 soldiers have to bring?
    a trumpet, a jar, and a torch.
  • What is the text of the day (Hebrews 4:12)?
    For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword.
  • Which men did God tell Gideon to choose, the men kneeling to drink or the men who drank from their hands?
    the men who drank from their hands