
What food am I?

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  • A popular Japanese dish made from seaweed, rice and fish or vegetables.
  • Rabbits and horses love this vegetable that can be served raw, cooked, or in a cake.
  • It's a big, round, juicy fruit that we eat in summer. It has got little black seeds inside.
  • I can sometimes be in a stick or in a tub. I’m a product that’s dairy.
  • It's a fruit and a color and is filled with Vitamin C.
  • Most come drenched in buffalo sauce with a side of ranch or blue cheese, but recently they've become part of a popular song (not hot dog or bologna).
    Chicken Wings
  • Am I a fruit or a vegetable? Lots of people get confused but I am actually a fruit. I am used to make lots of different things like sauce, ketchup, and salsa!
  • Order me up for a nice appetizer if you're in the mood for warm chips and cheese! Some people might add a protein like chicken to me, or extra veggies, or salsa and guac!
  • A drink made from something sour but tastes sweet!
  • This drink is often black and bitter. Some people put milk and sugar in this hot or cold drink or enjoy it as ice cream.
  • Depending on where you are in the world, some people may call me chips, but I am almost always salted and served with ketchup!
    French Fries
  • You find this yellow fruit on trees. Monkeys really like them!
  • A leafy green vegetable that can be served raw or cooked! Popeye loves me!
  • I am popular to pick in the fall and I come in many varieties. Some people like to say, "One of me a day keeps the doctor away!"
  • Typically you'd think of lettuce and dressing when you hear this... but I'm much more colorful and don't have any veggies in me!
    Fruit Salad
  • I can be made from a box or homemade. I am pasta but NOT spaghetti and meatballs. If you are dairy free, you probably shouldn't eat me.
    Mac & Cheese
  • You make this with two slices of bread and you can put cheese, meat or condiments inside.
    A sandwich
  • Headed for a camping trip? Don't forget the graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolates for this sweet treat!
  • This tropical fruit is yellow inside but prickly on the outside. It is also where a sponge lives under the sea.
  • I am made from cucumbers and vinegar. There are different flavors for me like "bread & butter" or "dill."
  • Some examples of me are bowtie, angel hair, rigatoni and penne!
  • A popular breakfast food that can be served many different ways: sunny side up, fried, scrambled....
  • My name describes something you might put on toast crossed with legumes, but I am actually a popular Easter candy.
    Jelly Beans
  • I'm named my name because if you swallow me you'll still be able to breathe! I come in many different flavors and even a gummy version!
    Life Savers
  • While many humans are allergic to me, elephants at the circus love to eat me! I have a soft shell that needs to be cracked before I am eaten.
  • I look like an orange but am more sour and ruby red on the inside!
  • I come to you just once a year accompanied by singing and gifts!
    Birthday cake
  • It's a crunchy junk food made out of a potato.
  • I am a green vegetable filled with lots of water, seeds, and great vitamins, but I can also sometimes be used to flavor water or even at the spa!
  • Though this dish might make you think of catching a wave, it is actually a plate that contains food from the sea and steak!
    Surf & Turf
  • A common candy around the world that can come in milk, dark or white.
  • I am a dessert with many flavors but savor me quickly or I melt!
    Ice cream
  • I am a popular salty snack that can be dipped in hummus, mustard, or eaten plain. I can come in rods, twists, or even a soft warm one the size of your head!
  • I am a root vegetable that can be red, white or purple and can make you cry even though I'm not mean.
    An onion
  • I'm a crystal white color and I'm used to bake. Mix me up though and I'll give your food a salty taste!
  • The base of me is soft and chewy and can be thin, thick, or deep dish. The rest of me is topped however you like it!
  • I am named after an animal and have lots of nicknames! I am most often served warm with lots of condiments!
    A hot dog
  • The color and flavor of me depends on what type of flower I come from, but I am always sticky!
  • Although bowls like me are normally are normally served hot, I am not. I'm filled with veggies and red in color!