
03.02.2021 Review

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  • You weren't there, sir! Don't ................ (wpychaj się do kolejki)!
    jump the queue
  • It was when you had 7 years?
    Was it when you were 7 (years old)?
  • I had a baby when I had 21.
    I had a baby when I was 21.
  • During the summer a lot of people spend time outside the city on their ................. (działkach).
  • Don't you think that it's time to .................... (przeciąć pępowinę) and move out?
    cut the cord
  • I was waiting till my children finish 12.
    I was waiting till my children turn 12.
  • Using public transport didn't be necessary for me.
    Using public transport wasn't necessary for me.
  • When I was a teenager I was ......... (zbierać) strawberries to earn some money.
  • It's hard to write and talk in the same moment.
    It's hard to write and talk at the same time.
  • When I was 19 I take care for children which were playing outside.
    When I was 19 I took care of children who were playing outside.
  • Younger, better.
    The younger, the better.