
ButterFly Life Cycle

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  • Butterflies are what kind of animal?
  • How many wings do butterflies have?
  • Why are butterflies important?
    They pollinate flowers, plants and vegetables.
  • True or False: Butterflies taste food with their Feet
  • What is the Fourth Stage of the Butterfly Life Cycle?
    The butterfly Coming out of the chrysalis
  • What does the caterpillar attach itself to when its ready to begin building its chrysalis around itself
    A branch or Twig
  • How many times do Butterflies flap their wings in a second?
    About 5 times
  • What does the caterpillar stop doing when it is big enough?
    It stops eating.
  • What continent are butterflies not found?
  • What is the Third stage of the Butterfly Life Cycle?
    The Pupa or Chrysalis Stage
  • Butterflies can also see some ______ that humans can not see.
  • How long does it take for a caterpillar to become a butterfly?
    1 or 2 weeks. It also depends on the caterpillar.
  • A Larva is also Known as a what?
  • What is the First Stage of a Butterfly?
    The Egg Stage
  • What is the Second Stage of the Butterfly Life Cycle?
    The Larva Stage
  • Where do they Lay their eggs?
  • What is a caterpillars main activity?
  • About how many species of butterflies are there?