
PA Native Americans - Tribes and Life

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  • Name the title given to the elected leader of a Native American village or tribe.
  • Which animal provided for most of the Native Americans food and clothing?
    white tailed deer
  • Native American tribes were _____. When wild game became too scarce or the crops poor, the village was moved.
  • The earliest known Native Americans to live in PA were the _____.
  • The chief from each village was a member of the _____ council.
  • Name 3 jobs of the men in the Native American village.
    protect the village, hunt, battle
  • True or False: Most of the PA Native Americans lived a nomadic lifestyle and lived in teepees.
    False. Native Americans from PA lived in longhouses and wigwams/domed homes.
  • The _____ were found in the Delaware River Valley by the Europeans and became known as the Delaware Indians.
  • This Native American group are believed to be the builders of the great mounds found along the Ohio River and its tributaries.
  • Describe how Native American planted corn.
    in mounds, using fish as fertilizer
  • True or False: The Monogahela Native Americans lived in eastern PA and disappeared without a trace.
    False. They lived in southwestern PA
  • Native American homes had a _____ to let the smoke out of their homes.
    hole in the roof
  • These 3 animal names were given to the 3 clans of the Delaware Indians.
    wolf, turtle, turkey
  • Which Native American group from northern PA and NY formed a confederacy with other tribes?
  • This Native American tribe was known as one of the most restless tribes.
  • Which Native American tribe were the leading representatives of the Algonquin nations?
  • Name 3 jobs of Native American women.
    make clothing, preserving food, gathering fruit/nuts/berries
  • True or False: The Iroquois built and lived in longhouses.
  • Describe how Native Americans planted beans and squash.
    the vined up the cornstalks
  • True or False: Native Americans did not have a lot of food so they kept it for their families.
    False. Food belonged to all. They shared what they had with everyone.
  • What did the Native Americans call god of all gods?
    The Great Spirit