
To be Present Simple and Past Simple

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  • They are in the swimming pool.
    ARE - Present Simple
  • Why were you angry?
    WERE - Past Simple
  • Are they at school today?
    ARE - Present Simple
  • She isn't fifth now.
    IS - Present Simple
  • Are Delia and Angie first in the rating now?
    ARE - Present Simple
  • Is there any tea in the cup?
    IS - Present Simple
  • Were there any balloon at your birthday party?
    WERE - Past Simple
  • Is their teacher a man or a woman?
    IS - Present Simple
  • Nastya and Alex were in 3rd grade in 2019.
    WERE - Past Simple
  • My sister was so happy last week.
    WAS - Past Simple
  • There wasn't any muffin in the fridge yesterday.
    WAS - Past Simple
  • I am a good student.
    AM - Present Simple
  • There were a lot of winners in that race.
    WERE - Past Simple
  • I wasn't 10 years old last year.
    WAS - Past Simple
  • There are ten women outside.
    ARE - Present Simple