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  • Is this sentence correct: I went to the mall- I need new candles.
    No, hypens go between words.
  • Is this sentence correct: I wanted to go, I was busy.
    No, a conjunction is needed along with the comma.
  • Is this sentence correct: I... got no sleep.
    No, an ellipsis is to indicate an omission from a quote.
  • Is this sentence correct: No, the pig didn't bite me.
  • Is this sentence correct:  I saw a [dog].
    No, brackets are used to add addtional information. It doesn't in this case.
  • Is this sentence correct: My three favorite subjects: art, math, and reading.
  • Is this sentence correct: I go to USC (United South Central) highschool.
  • Is this sentence correct: I took a (bubble bath).
    No, parenthese are used to add addtional information. It doesn't in this case.
  • Is this sentence correct: This is the best option -- the only option -- we have.
  • Is this sentence correct: Choose a color {red, orange, blue, green}
  • Is this sentence correct: I work part-time at walmart.
  • Is this sentence correct: He bought Mikes old TV.
    No, "Mikes" needs an apostrophe to show possession.
  • Is this sentence correct: don't fall down 
    No, need firt word to be capitalize and needs a period at the end.
  • Is this sentence correct: "Are you ready"? she asked.
    No, end marks and commas go inside the parentheses.
  • Is this sentence correct: I went to the fair; I love the rides.