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  • Would you prefer to be the 1st person to explore a planet or to be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?
    I'd prefer to be ....
  • Would you prefer to be married with a 10 with bad personality or with a 6 with an amazing personality?
    I'd prefer to be married with a....
  • Would you rather lose the ability to read or the ability to speak?
    I'd rather lose the ability....
  • Would you prefer to have three feet or three hands?
    I'd prefer to have...
  • Would you rather be famous or be rich?
    I'd rather be rich.
  • Would you rather become 5 years older or 2 years younger?
    I'd rather become 2 years younger.
  • Would you rather be incredibly funny or incredbly smart?
    I'd rather be incredibly smart.