
Measurement and Density

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  • What is the SI unit for temperature?
    Kelvin (K)
  • What is the factor in an experiment that does not change?
  • What is mass?
    amount of matter in object
  • Calculate the density of a 15 g object that has a volume of 24 mL?
  • What unit is used to measure mass?
  • What is the tool used to measure mass called?
  • How do you determine the volume of an irregular solid? Describe the steps.
    water displacement
  • What unit is used to measure volume of a liquid?
  • After a hypothesis is stated, what step of the scientific method comes next?
  • How is density calculated?
    D = M / V
  • Explain how to convert 5 kg to mg.
    Start at the prefix k and count # of jumps until you get to m. Move the decimal point the same number of spaces and fill in extra spots with 0. Label answer.
  • Define independent variable.
    factor that the scientist is changing
  • What is the first step of the scientific method?
    Problem/ question
  • What tool is used to measure the volume of a liquid?
    graduated cylinder, beaker
  • What tool is used to measure the volume of a solid?
  • Name the SI unit prefixes in order from largest to smallest?
    kilo, hecto, deca, base, deci, centi, mili, - - micro, - - nano
  • Define dependent variable.
    factor being measured
  • Explain how to use the density triangle to determine equations.
    Cover up the letter for the variable you are trying to find. The remaining letters provide an equation for solving. Divide stacked #s and multiply #s together.
  • Explain density.
    Density is how compact something is, or the amount of mass something has within a given volume.
  • Why is it important to use SI units?
    standard for accurately communicating data
  • What is volume?
    space an object occupies