
Okay or not okay to say?

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  • You are building blocks with some friends and you have an idea to build a zoo. Is it okay to tell your friends that you have an idea?
    Yes. When playing with others, it's great to speak up to share your ideas
  • Your friend is scared to ride a scooter. You think that is really silly. Is it okay to say that you think another person's feelings are silly or wrong?
    No. That is a bubble thought. You could hurt your friend's feelings
  • You are playing a game with a friend and they go first. You wanted to go first and are thinking "No fair, You always go first". Is this okay or not okay to say?
    Not Okay. This would be a bubble thought. Instead you could ask to go first or come up with a fair way to decide who goes first
  • You see a classmate looking scared at the top of the jungle gym. Is it okay to say when someone is in danger or needs help?
    Yes. It's a good idea to speak up when someone is in danger or needs help.
  • Your friend asks you to help clean up blocks, but you are still cleaning up your paints. Is it okay to say no to someone if you are not able to help.
    Yes. Your friend will understand if you are busy too
  • You really like the picture your classmate drew. Is it okay to say something nice about someone or something they did?
    Yes. compliments are nice to share with others
  • A classmate tells you how to play a new game, but you don't understand. Is it okay to ask for help?
  • You hear a classmate say something mean to another student. Is it okay to say what someone says or does isn't kind?
    Yes. When someone is being unkind to another person, it's a good idea to speak up.
  • You can't unzip your jacket. Is it okay to ask for help?
  • You don't like your friend's shoes. Is it okay to tell your friend that you don't like how their shoes look?
    No. That's a bubble thought and should be kept in your head
  • You think your painting is better than everyone else's. Is it okay to say that you did something better than someone?
    No. That is a bubble thought and should be kept in your head.
  • Your friend has been using the red crayon on their drawing for a long time and you want to use it. Is it okay to say you want someone to share or that you want something?
    Yes. It is good to communicate when you want someone to share.
  • You're playing a game with a friend and they lose a turn. This puts you in the lead. Is it okay to say when you are feeling happy that another player is losing?
    No. That is a bubble thought. Saying that you are winning could hurt the other player's feelings.
  • You are watching a group of kids play together and you want to play too. Is it okay to say that you'd like to play with them?
    Yes. Using your words to join others in play is a great way to let people know what you want and a great way to make new friends