
Goldilocks and the Three Bears 2nd

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  • What did she find in the bedroom?
    She found three beds.
  • What will Goldilocks do in one of the beds?
    She will take a nap.
  • What was in the next room?
    There were three rocking chairs.
  • How was the first and second rocking chairs?
    The first chair was too high and the second chair was too low.
  • How did the beds look?
    They looked comfortable.
  • What did Goldilocks wonder?
    She wondered what is up those stairs.
  • Which bowl was just right? (1st, 2nd, or 3rd)
    The 3rd bowl was just right.
  • How did Goldilocks feel?
    She felt tired.
  • How were the first and second beds?
    The first bed was too hard and the second bed was too soft.
  • What happened to the little chair?
    It broke into tiny pieces.
  • Who said "Now you will be in trouble"?
  • What did Goldilocks do in the third bed?
    She fell asleep.
  • What did Goldilocks do with the bowls of porridge?
    She tasted them.
  • What did Goldilocks do in the third chair?
    She rocked in the chair.
  • How was the first bowl?
    Too hot
  • What was in the bowls?
  • Which bed was just right?
    The third bed was just right.
  • What should Goldilocks not have eaten?
    She should not have eaten the porridge.