
mo4 78-79

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  • Why did sailors in Elizabethan England wear earrings?
    because they thought they could see better and pay for their funerals
  • a set of actions or words performed in a regular way, often as part of a religious ceremony
    Religious ritual
  • What thing did men in Elizabethan England wear in their ears?
    gold rings
  • The high priests of the Aztecs had a tongue piercing because it was a part of a______ _______.
    religious ritual
  • modern and influenced by the most recent fashions or ideas
  • Why was body piercing popular with the Pharaohs in Egypt and important people in Rome?
    because it was a symbol of courage and class
  • Why did the body piercing lose its rebellious meaning?
    Because more and more film and sports stars were getting pierced, young people wanted to imitate them.
  • Where was Otzi found?
    in a glacier, near Austrian-Italian border
  • action against those in authority, against the rules, or against normal and accepted ways of behaving
  • What did Africans put in after piercing their ears?
  • Why did the Pharaohs use piercing?
    to show their higher class and also courage
  • of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time
  • Did many famous men in Elizabethan England pierce their ears?
    Yes, they did.
  • Why did the Aztecs pierce their tongues?
    to communicate better with the gods
  • What happened to body piercing in the United States in the 1960s?
    It became a form of rebellion for young people.
  • Why is Otzi called "the ice man"?
    he was found in a glacier, where he was preserved in the ice
  • Why did some Africans pierce their ears?
    to stop demons from entering the body
  • How old is 'the ice man'?
    around 4000 years old