
JS8U23 D12 Reading 3 Review.

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  • Name an illness other than Yellow Fever that mosquitos transmit.
    Malaria, Dengue
  • Did Lazear die from Yellow Fever himself?
  • What is a habitat?
    The place where something lives.
  • What illness killed the French troops?
    Yellow Fever.
  • Define "Rebellion"
    an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.
  • How many types of mosquito are there?
    Over 2000
  • How many soldiers did the French send to Haiti?
  • How much did Reed pay the people he experimented on?
  • In 1898 America declared war on who?
  • Where did Theodore Roosevelt send troops to?
  • What year was the vaccine for the virus created?
  • What is the name of the reading?
    The Great Fever
  • What is an "epidemic"?
    Where an illness spreads to lots of people in an area.
  • What was the source of the Yellow Fever virus?
    Monkeys in an African rain forest.
  • When did Yellow Fever appear in America?
  • What is a colony?
    A country that is controlled by another country.