
Bullying Review

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  • If you see someone getting bullied what should you do?
    Great job!
  • Is it peer conflict or bullying if you disagree with your friend on what game to play?
    It is peer conflict!
  • What should you do if you say or do something mean to another person?
    You can start with an apology!
  • What is bullying?
    Name calling, leaving someone out, lying about someone, physical harm, threats, joking, ignoring, or getting others to participate in the bullying
  • Is this person the bully, the bystander, ally, or friend? - - - The person who is present when the bullying occurs, but does not take part in it.
    They are the Bystander
  • True or False: Telling an adult is ratting someone out
    False, telling an adult can make all the difference!
  • What kind of bullying is teasing? Verbal, social or physical?
  • is this person the bully, the bystander, ally or friend? - - - The person using the repeatedly physical strength, popularity, or some form of power over other people
    They are the Bully
  • Name one person you can tell if you're getting bullied?
    Nice work!
  • True or False: Bullying can happen to anyone
    True, anyone can get bullied!
  • is a peer conflict or bullying if it is an INTENTIONAL and REPEATED act?
    It is bullying!
  • What kind of bullying is spreading rumors? Verbal, social or physical?
  • Is peer conflict good or bad?
    It is good! It's okay if you don't always agree with your friends, as long as you are kind about what you say and do
  • True or False: People who get bullied deserve it
  • What are the three types of bullying?
    Verbal, social and physical
  • What kind of bullying is pushing other people? Verbal, social or physical?
  • What does cyberbullying mean?
    It's when the bullying occurs over the internet. Examples are posting rude pictures of another person, sending mean messages to others
  • What is something you can say back to a bully?
    Great answers!
  • Is this person the bully, the bystander, ally or friend? - - - Someone who makes a decision to support another person because it is the right thing to do
    They are the ally
  • True or False: Anyone can be a bully
  • Is this person the bully, the bystander, ally or friend? - - - Someone who you like and trust and is there to support you
    They are the friend