
Social Skills

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  • What does it mean to be "pessimistic"?
    When you think the worst is going to happen, glass if half empty, can't see the positives
  • Your friend says, "I'm going on vacation this summer!" What are 2 follow up questions you can ask?
    Where are you going, what are you doing, who are you going with...
  • How can you tell if someone you're talking to is bored?
    not looking at you, yawning, not asking questions
  • Give a compliment to each one of your classmates
  • What's one way that you can show that you're listening to someone?
    eye contact, turning your body towards them, nodding
  • What can you say to your friend who feels sad?
    Do you want to talk? What's wrong? How can I help?
  • Your classmate struggles to be organized. Name 2 strategies that you can suggest to help her.
    making lists, schedules, using folders and notebooks, using a timer
  • How can you tell if someone is interested in what you're telling them?
    Eye contact, nodding head, asking questions
  • Think it or say it: Wow you're skinny.
    Think it!
  • Think it or say it: Your new haircut looks nice.
    Say it!
  • List 2 ways to be a good friend.
    be kind, listen, support, share, respect
  • Your team just won! What's something nice that you can say to the team who just lost?
    Good game!
  • What's an appropriate topic to talk about with a new classmate?
  • Think it or say it: Good try!
    Say it!
  • What might someone be feeling if they have butterflies in their stomach?
    nervous, worried, scared, anxious, excited
  • Name 3 positive qualities about one of your classmates
  • What does it mean to be "optimistic"?
    You look on the bright side, glass is half full, focus on the positives
  • What does it mean to be impulsive?
    doing something without thinking first
  • Your team just lost. What's one thing you can say to yourself so you can be a good sport?
    I tried my best, maybe next time, it's just a game
  • Think it or say it: This homework is stupid.
    Think it!