
Tobacco use and society 8th grade

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  • In the late 1980's cigarettes packages must have clear_____ ______ or _____
    Warning labels or disclaimers.
  • In the late 1980’s employers have the legal right to ban smoking in their ________
  • This fatal effect is linked to babies with mothers who smoked during or after pregnancy.
    Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar. Is especially dangerous.
    Sidestream smoke
  • Are nonsmokers who breathe in secondhand smoke
    Passive smokers
  • Insurance companies have ____ ______ for smokers insurances.
    Higher rates
  • There are more ______- ______ places than ever before, and also more laws against secondhand smoke.
  • Most public places, including restaurants, do not allow people to _____ ______
    Smoke indoors
  • When people smoke near you, you breathe their...
    Secondhand smoke
  • Each year, an estimated 53,000 people in the U.S.A._______ as a result of passive smoking.
  • Babies of smoker moms will have a...
    Low birth weight
  • Is air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke.
    Secondhand smoke
  • The smoke that is inhaled and then exhaled by a smoker.
    Mainstream smoke
  • What does carcinogen mean?
    That causes cancer
  • How it is also called the secondhand smoke?
    Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)
  • In the late 1980’s smoking was outlawed on domestic ______ _______.
    Airplane flights
  • Nowadays, cigarettes packages have more ______ and _____ images of what could happen to you if you smoke.
    Explicit and shocking