
Nutrition Intro Activity

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  • Which of the following are fruits? Tomatoes, cucumbers, or peas
    Technically, all are fruit, according to a botanist (Plant scientist)
  • According to my plate, a balanced meal contains which 5 food groups?
    Proteins, grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy
  • What is the most important nutrient your body cannot live without?
  • Tzatziki sauce is a common topping on which dish?
  • Sailors from years past suffered from scurvy due to lack of what?
    Vitamin C (Fresh and Vegetables)
  • How many medium gala apples would you have to eat to equal the calories in one serving of Olive Garden Lasagna?
  • The Brassica family refers to what types of food?
    brussel sprouts, brocolli, cabbage, cauliflower, you get the idea
  • In what year was the McDonald's Happy Meal created?
  • Which item has more calories: A Starbucks Grande Mocha Frappuccino or a McDonalds Mcdouble?
    A Starbucks Grande Mocha Frappuccino
  • Sauerkraut is composed of which vegetable?
  • What is the only edible food that is said to never spoils?
  • How many eggs should you eat daily to meet the recommended protein intake for a teenage male, if you ate no other protein??
    6 (6-1/2 to be exact)
  • What soup is the most popular in Vietnam?
  • What is the most commonly eaten food staple in the world?
    Rice (If you answered corn, I will also accept that- the data is confusing.)