
Mr. Mitchell's House Rules + The Basics

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  • What steps do I need to follow if I need to use the bathroom?
    1. Use bathroom signal 2. Mr. Mitchell will approve 3. Take the bathroom pass
  • T/F I'm not tardy to class if I'm inside the door when the bell rings.
    FALSE. You need to be in your seat getting prepared for class.
  • Name 3 out of the 4 House Rules in Mr. Mitchell's Class
    1. Be Safe 2. Be Kind 3. Be Aware 4. Be Present Bonus: Be curious
  • When is it appropriate to talk in Mr. Mitchell’s class?
    It depends! Not when Mr. Mitchell is talking in front of the class OR when another student is answering a question. Raise your hand and wait to be called.
  • T/F If Mr. Mitchell pauses during instruction, it's probably a good time to talk to my homie about what's for lunch.
    FALSE! "Side-conversations" interrupt the flow of class and ultimately slow down the learning.
  • What do you do if you need to go to the bathroom in class?
    1. Fill out the bottom of your planner. 1. Ask for permission from Mitchell 3.  Take bathroom pass by the door
  • Which BASIC does this rule pertain to? Keep your phone off and away
  • What does it mean to BE KIND in Mr. Mitchell's class?
    Help other. Respect each others opinions. Laugh with, not at each other. Don't be a rude to Mr. M or your classmates.
  • T/F It's Mr. Mitchell's responsibility for you to be prepared for class with a pencil, your binder, and your assignments.
  • Where do I turn in my papers/ assignments?
    Unless Mr. Mitchell says otherwise, into the basket on the back table labeled "TURN IN"
  • Who is responsible for being prepared for class with their binder, completed assignments, a pencil and a positive attitude?
    We, the students of Winship!
  • What does it mean to be prepared at Winship? (4 things)
    1. Bring your chromebook fully charged 2. Have you binder and planner 3. have your pencil 4. Make sure you eat breakfast & lunch
  • What are 2 way Mr. Mitchell might ask for your attention as a class>
    1. A raised fist in the air 2. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0... zero voice level” 2. Music fades to zeo 3. The war drum
  • If you believe Mr. M made the "wrong call" or is being unfair, how should you best take care of it?
    Key word is "discrete". Not in front of the whole class. We can talk during independent work time, step outside of class, or wait until after class.
  • What is "blurting out" and why does it kill Mr. Mitchell's vibe?
    Blurting is anything you do with your words or your body that interrupts the thoughts of another person in an unexpected way. Blurting is considered rude...
  • What are Mr. Mitchell's disciplinary steps?
    0. "The look"1. Verbal Warning2. Seat Change3. Time Out, Reflection Sheet, Parent contact4. BTF, Office Referral
  • What is the Winship School Motto?
    Safe, Respectful, Responsible
  • What furry mammal did Mr. Mitchell encounter on the first day of school last year?
    A Skunk
  • T/F You're welcome to go behind Mr. Mitchell's desk
    False. Off limits unless given permission
  • What does it mean to BE AWARE in Mr. Mitchell's class?
    Be aware of your volume level. Enter the class calmly and quietly. Don't shout across the room. Ever.
  • Give to 2 examples of what it looks like to COMMUNICATE appropriately with staff
    Use school appropriate language at all times, monitor your voice level, thinking before you speak, etc.
  • T/F Food is allowed in class at Winship Middle School
    False! Food attracts ants and cockroaches and make the classroom generally grody.
  • What are the BASICS? What does each letter stand for?
    1. Be Prepared 2. Arrive on Time 3. Stay in Your Assigned Seat 4. Instructions (follow the first time) 5. Communicate 6. Stay on task
  • Who is Mr. Mitchell's brother from another mother?
    Donovan Mitchell
  • T/F At Winship, we expect perfection.
    False. We just expect you to Meet the BASICS
  • What class are you in right now?
    Ummmm, either ELA or Broadcast Film and Media
  • What do you do if you finish your work early?
    Complete homework/missing assignments Read AR book/ Activity menu on google classroom
  • What should you do as soon as you come into Mr. Mitchell's class?
    1. Check 'Today's Gear List"  2. Take out supplies on the list     
  • List Mr. Mitchell's 4 Major House Rules
    1. Be Kind 2. Be Aware  3. Be Safe  4. Be Present
  • T/F Mr. Mitchell grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah
    False! He went to college there, met his wife there, taught for 6 years, etc. Mr. Mitchell grew up near Seattle, WA.